Message from the Director

This year’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is the first year since the completion of our involvement with the Butte Fire. As you may remember, the Butte Fire event in September 2015 caused the entire County to be very focused on recovery and rebuilding efforts. Public Works was greatly involved in the recovery effort, completing many miles of road repair and rehabilitation. All the disaster road repair projects were finally completed last year. So, this year’s CIP will look and feel a little bit more like what a typical program should be for Calaveras County. What is normal for us is the project delivery of our SB1 Annual Road Resurfacing and Paving Projects. The CIP also includes the delivery of bridges and other safety road improvement programs, such as our retro-reflectivity signage, thermoplastic striping, and high friction surface treatment (HFST) projects. The HFST project will provide additional safety measures to 28 high collision curves on County roads. The project team continues to learn and become seasoned veterans of past project delivery campaigns. The same project team (consisting of five program and project managers) will continue to deliver the CIP projects. This team is augmented, of course, by all the other divisions within Public Works. 

The following presentation outlines the entire Capital Improvement Program. We will continue to deliver services that protect public health and responsibly manage our road infrastructure. As always, I am grateful for the entire Public Works team's work, and I am sure that you share my appreciation.


Robert J. Pachinger, PE, PLS

Capital Improvement Program Documents
