Road Maintenance

Road maintenance/construction, encroachments (driveway/utility), grading, transportation permits, road closures for special events, traffic and transportation-related issues, road-related land improvement issues, and subdivisions.

Road Maintenance Information

Annual Roadside Vegetation Management and Weed Spraying Program

16 November 2022

Annual Roadside Vegetation Management and Weed Spraying Program

Annually, the County performs roadside weed spraying to prevent weeds from encroaching on the edges of roads which can lead to road and vehicle damage. Please review the documents below for more information on this program.

Copperopolis Benefit Basin

16 November 2022

Copperopolis Benefit Basin

The formation of the Benefit Basin is for the purpose of imposing a fee on new development to fund road improvements in the Copperopolis Benefit Basin. Copies of the Benefit Basin documents are available for review at the following links:

RIM Fee Ordinance

16 November 2022

RIM Fee Ordinance

Valley Springs Benefit Basin

16 November 2022

Valley Springs Benefit Basin

The formation of the Valley Springs Benefit Basin is for the purpose of imposing a fee on new development to fund road improvements in the Valley Springs area. Copies of the Benefit Basin documents are available for review at the following links:

Public Works Fees (Board of Supervisors Resolution 08-202)

Driveway Encroachment Application
$500.00 (deposit)(*)
Utility Encroachment Application
$500.00 (deposit)(*)
Blanket Utility Encroachment
$500.00 (deposit)(*)
Grading Permit
Grading Permit - Minor
$963.00 (deposit)(*)
Grading Permit - Engineered
$1,313.00 (deposit)(*)
Single Trip Permit
Blanket Permit
Other Services
Road Abandonment
Road Name Change
Copy Charge
4 copies free; 50¢ thereafter
License Agreements
(*) Deposit for time and material costs